Cynthia Micas

Cynthia Micas studied acting at the University of the Arts in Berlin and performed at HAU, Deutsches Theater and Maxim Gorki Theater. In 2013 she was engaged for four years at the Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, where she worked with Sebastian Nübling and Sebastian Baumgarten. In 2014 she was nominated Actress of the Year by the critics' survey Theater heute and received several nominations for Young Actress of the Year. In 2017/18 she moved to the Residenztheater/Bayerische Staatsschauspiel Munich and appeared in numerous productions there. Since the 2019/20 season Cynthia Micas is part of the Berliner Ensemble.

Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der Vorverkauf für alle Vorstellungen bis 14. Juli 2024 läuft. Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Latest productions

Schwarzwasser By Elfriede Jelinek

Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) by Bertolt Brecht (Book) and Kurt Weill (Music) in collaboration with Elisabeth Hauptmann

as Polly Peachum

My Struggle (Sterben Lieben Kämpfen) In a version by Yana Ross

as The Master of Ceremony

Past productions

The possibility of an island by Michel Houellebecq

Stunde der Hochstapler by Alexander Eisenach

Ubu Rex by STEF LERNOUS after ALFRED JARRY as Gewissen

Der Diener zweier Herren (The Servant of Two Masters) Based on Carlo Goldoni as Willie-Jay, Kaylee, Two Servants

Gott ist nicht schüchtern (City of Jasmine) by Olga Grjasnowa as Amal


Max Gindorff Max Gindorff

© Julian Baumann

Max Gindorff

Corinna Kirchhoff

© Julian Baumann

Paul Herwig

Oliver Kraushaar

Jonathan Kempf

© Julian Baumann

Maximilian Diehle

Peter Moltzen

Constanze Becker

© Julian Baumann

Nina Bruns

Kathrin Wehlisch